Bernard Watson aim to go above and beyond expectations to ensure quality in our work and a strong affiliation with the industry’s leading bodies.
At Bernard Watson, we have always considered it to be of paramount importance that we can be trusted in all aspects of our work. Therefore, we are fully supported by the CHAS accreditation that ensures compliance with necessary safety standards, and are proud members of both the Painting and Decorating Association (PDA) and the National Federation of Builders (NFB).
Our involvement with the NFB in particular is very prominent thanks to Bernard Watson Director Clare Watson attaining the prestigious role of the NFB’s Regional Chair for the North West, a position she has held for many months now and also helping to ensure the company is kept fully up to date with all the latest developments within the industry.

Constructionline is the UK’s leading procurement and supply chain management service that collects, assesses and monitors standard company information

CHAS is a health and safety assessment scheme for all contractors in the UK. Being fully accredited with CHAS ensures that all safety procedures meet the recognised national standard.

National Federation of Builders
Membership to the National Federation of Builders is hugely beneficial to all constructors throughout England and Wales. The association helps its members find work and provides resources and advice to save time and money so the primary task remains the primary focus.

Painting and Decorating Association
The Painting and Decorating Association is an established organisation, carefully selecting members that adhere to the highest painting and decorating standards in the UK. All-round quality is seen as the top priority.